Sunday, May 16, 2010

When the rain comes, it causes a heart to ponder...

I am anticipating the rainstorm. It has been unbearably hot and the air feels like desert. Now, after a full month, the sky seems to give in to the thunder a little bit. I could hop on a bicycle and ride home right now. But my heart refused to do so. Why, summer rain is a rare treasure these days.

Talking about rain, we were driving through the mountains 2 days ago. We were on a car sneaking through the windy road of the northern hills. Our driver was ever so patient and confident in his driving that I had no fear at alll. We were surrounded by forests; the teak wood, the flame trees and many other wild plants that I have never known.

Then I saw the first sign of thunder - the hovering dark clouds. My heart almost skipped a beat, not out of fear but of excitement. It may sound weird but I love thunderstorm. It somehow gives me a glimpse of such powerful and magnificent glory of the Creator. The lightening. The whooshing of wind. The swaying trees. The growling of sky belly. Then the downpour of silver rain. More thunderbolt. More flashes of lightning.
I was sitting in the 1st class seat watching the reflection of heaven discreetly rolled out for the eyes of human to see and revere.

Suddenly, the driver slowed down. A huge tree was lying on the road and stopped the traffic in the middle of nowhere. Long lines of cars and trucks were stuck and we were awaiting help from someone...somewhere.
But God was good. The tree could've fallen somewhere else but it fell next to a police station. Things got sorted out very smoothly and in timely manner. A policeman, drenched with rain, was standing and directing the cars to use the dirt trail just beside the road. After 10 minutes, we were through.

God was good. The tree could've fallen on someone but at the moment it fell, no cars were passing by and no one got hurt or else we would've seen it.

It reminded me that despite the circumstances, there is always a way out. As the saying goes, even though all doors are closed, God always leaves a window open for us to climb out. It's just the matter of us having enough gut to do that or not. :)

Now I just can't wait for the real reainy season to come. I can't wait to be running wildly in the storm and getting soaked to the skin. I can't wait to have that sense of freedom and joy running through my blood again. I can't wait to see the earth drinking deep of the pouring rain and producing such lushness of green all over the mountain ranges and fields. I can't wait to witness God's blessings when the rain comes.

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Books Corner

  • Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
  • Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado
  • Heavenly Man, The by Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway
  • Hind's Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.
  • In the Presence of My Enemies by Gracia Burnham & Dean Merrill.
  • Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati
  • Irresistible Revolution, The by Shane Claiborne
  • Jonathan, the Prince by Francine Rivers
  • Left Behind Series by Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim Lahaye
  • Lineage of Grace, The by Francine Rivers.
  • Lord of The Rings, The by J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • Prayer by Philip Yancey
  • Redeeming Love, The by Francine Rivers.
  • Soul Survivor by Philip Yancey
  • Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller